Acupuncture at Oregon City Physical Therapy

Acupuncture is a key modality of Chinese Medicine, and it has been used for thousands of years to improve health and treat disease. Acupuncture is performed by a trained practitioner licensed by the Oregon Medical Board. Acupuncture is effectively used on muscles tendons, ligaments, and fascia to treat pain.


Pricing and Appointment Scheduling:

Please contact our clinic for current pricing and package rates, or to schedule an appointment with our Licensed Acupuncturist.

Benefits of Acupuncture:

-Reduced Stress

-Reduced Back Pain, Neck Tension and relieve joint pain in the hands and arms

-Relief from headaches

-Reduced Eye Strain

-Improved Immune System

-Increased Energy, Enhanced Mental Clarity

-Relief from Digestive Conditions

-Allergy Relief

-Addiction Relief: Alcoholism, Smoking, Drug Use, etc.

-Reduced Body Pain

Diagnoses that Respond Well to Acupuncture

-Low Back Pain

-Upper Back Pain

-Neck Pain



-Shoulder Pain

-Mid-Back Pain



-Erectile Dysfunction

-Addiction (Smoking, Alcohol, other Drugs, gambling, etc.)

-Common Colds