Dr. Mackenzie Clark, Naturopathic Physician (ND)

Dr. Mackenzie Clark, ND - Oregon Integrated Health, Salem.

Dr. Mackenzie Clark is a dedicated Primary Care Physician who is excited to meet you where you’re at in your healthcare journey. She practices trauma-informed care, has experience and expertise in supporting neurodivergent individuals, and believes in Health At Every Size medicine. Her favorite areas of practice include autoimmune and chronic conditions, dermatologic (skin) complaints, mental health, and young adulthood. Dr. Clark seeks to assist her patients in understanding their bodies, explaining lab results (even if they’re “normal”) and empowering them to be well in the ways most accessible to them. She is a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner and can confidently assist in your menopause transition. Dr. Clark has also completed specialty training in ozone therapy and cannabis medicine. 

When not practicing medicine, Dr. Clark participates as a board member for Healthy Living Community a non-profit clinic in SE Portland and is a member of the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Studies from the Lyman Briggs College of Michigan State University and her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the National University of Natural Medicine. 

Dr. Clark looks forward to caring for you and your whole family.